Bathroom includes: light fixtures, mirrors, counters, sinks, toilets, tub or shower, tile walls cleaned, fixtures. Bedroom includes: flat surfaces cloth dusted, picture frames dusted, window sills and wiped down, vents dusted ( within the reach), floors washed, carpets and rugs vacuumed, cobwebs removed. Kitchen includes: trash removed, stove top and front, dishwasher exterior and edges, fridge front, microwave wiped down, back splash, counters, sink, floors vacuumed and mopped. Please clear counters for access so that we can reach the counters. Please clear sink for access. Cabinets are included in deep/move-in, move-out cleaning.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made 48 hours or less before an appointment will be subject to A FEE OF $50 that is charged to the card on file because our cleaners are counting on attending this job. This includes appointments where our service provider is unable to access the property, is turned away, or the client is unavailable.
If you cancel at least 48 hours in advance, NO FEE will be charged.
We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 48 hours before the beginning of your appointment. Thank you for understanding